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Effective Intelligence
"Customer Intelligence" Solutions
We focus on delivering:
"Untapped Value" from Customer Data,
"Efficiency & Sustainability" of Customer Acquisition
"Analytics and Insights" for Brand & Marketing Optimization
through combining
Advanced Data Enhancement & Machine Learning
Effective Intelligence is a registered Credit Bureau in terms of section 43 of the National Credit Act 34 of 2005 (NCR CB46) and an affiliate member of the SA Credit Risk and Reporting Association (SACRRA).
Why Choose Us
Its very simple - we must add value to your business in order for us to grow our business.
How? With our many decades of focused experience on extracting value from customer data, we know every aspect of what to do, how to do it efficiently and when to apply it for best effect, including:
The most cost effective and efficient solutions to improve the quality, contactability and profitability of your customer data - and derive actionable customer insights.
How to assist and support your internal Analytical and BI teams by providing external Actionable Intelligence and Market Models, or alternatively to provide this service to companies without dedicated analytical teams.
Actioning marketing campaigns to provide outbound call centre based Customer Acquisition campaigns with scalable volumes
Sending POPIA compliant SMS campaigns using proprietary secure tracking short-links to landing pages to get up to 10 x the audience viewing and response - great to fill your call centre with viable leads at short notice.
Provide the best-in-class Analytics with experience developed on analysing BILLIONS of records and building effective consumer market Models.
Detecting potential syndicated location based fraud and associated family/social links
Our Clients are some of SA's largest and most successful companies - try us to see why they use us.
Solutions Overview

We have used our decades of experience in providing Marketing Services combined with Marketing Analytics, AI and Martech Platforms and Software to offer highly effective Customer Intelligence Solutions to assist with solving the new reality of COVID and POPIA challenges.
We know that when a solution is required it is often needed "yesterday" - so we are set up to implement our solutions fast and efficiently.
We have built a multi-disciplinary team of specialists in Analytics, Campaign Execution, Data, Data warehouse development, IT, Software development, Cloud Solutions, Marketing and Advertising.
Our team members have significant experience across and within key disciplines which allows us to offer comprehensive solutions along with with advice and experience on the optimal implementations.
We know that just providing a great technical service is not enough - we have to also provide great client service with top-notch relationship management.
The core markets that we provide solutions for are:
​Many of our clients have some of the largest customer databases in South Africa.
However we also provide services to startups in the Seed funding or Series A/B investment phases. These companies have a critical interest in establishing their viability and quantifying their scalability and our methods and access to data enables us to find prospective customers and evaluate their true market potential.

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